Geography Today 1 is written by a highly experienced, bestselling author team. It covers all of the content prescribed for the three core units of the Leaving Certificate Geography syllabus. The Geography Today 1 package includes a student textbook, a free student e-book and a suite of digital resources, including PowerPoints, animations and videos, which are available on
Student Textbook
- Accessible, concise and straightforward language suitable for both Higher and Ordinary Level students
- Student-friendly layout packed with full-colour photographs, diagrams, charts, OSi maps and satellite images
- New and updated case studies and statistics reflect the changing economic and social developments both in Ireland and abroad, with special reference to developments in the EU
- Strong emphasis on examination skills, including a section explaining exam terms
- Exam questions for Higher Level and Ordinary Level are provided at the end of each chapter
- Additional questions and activities are placed throughout the text to facilitate reflection, class discussion, revision and homework
- Offers research opportunities to encourage independent learning
- Clear and concise definitions of key terms
- Linkages between topics are highlighted where relevant
- Learning objectives and keywords are provided at the beginning of each chapter
- End-of-chapter summary charts
- Major emphasis on geographic skills with separate, comprehensive chapters on Ordnance Survey maps and aerial photographs
- Maps, bar charts, graphs and pie charts feature throughout the text to familiarise students with the use of illustrations
- A separate chapter on interpreting graphs is also provided
- The authors were very conscious of the use of Significant Relevant Points (SRPs) in the presentation of information throughout the text
- Continuity between the settings and regions in this book and those in the Elective and Optional units

Digital Resources
Teachers can access the Geography Today 1 interactive e-book at, plus a bank of free digital resources, including:
- Editable PowerPoint summaries
- Animations to bring key diagrams from the textbook to life
- Stimulating videos covering a variety of different topics.
FREE e-book
- Students and teachers can download their free Geography Today 1 e-book by visiting and entering the code from inside the front cover of the textbook.